If Alzheimer's Disease were a State: Number of Americans with Alzheimers

By Charles Li MD

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Americans with Alzheimers will Outnumber These States in 2020:


Americans with Alzheimer's: 5,800,000

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Americans with Alzheimers will Outnumber These States in 2030:


Americans with Alzheimer's: 8,400,000

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Americans with Alzheimers will Outnumber These States in 2040:


Americans with Alzheimer's: 11,600,000

  • There are 5.5 million Americans with Alzheimer's Disease today.
  • This number is projected to grow to 13.8 Million Americans by 2050, according to the journal Neurology.
  • In order to put this in context, we compared the projected growth of Alzheimer's Disease with the projected populations of all 50 US States.
  • All to answer the question: If Alzheimer's Patients were their own state, how high would they rank?

Introduction to Alzheimer's Disease

  • Alzheimer's disease is a devastating condition that causes progressive memory loss and loss of cognitive ability.
  • Alzheimer's leads to dementia, and is ultimately fatal. Over the course of the disease, patients lose the ability to hold conversations, take care of themselves, or even remember loved ones.
  • There is no cure for Alzheimer's Disease. Current treatments can reduce the severity of the symptoms but cannot stop the progression of the disease.

Number of Alzheimer's Patients in 2020

  • There will be an estimated 5.5 Million Alzheimer's patients in 2020
  • If Alzheimer's patients were a state in 2020, they would be the 23rd most populous state, ranking just ahead of Minnesota
  • There are more Americans with Alzheimer’s Disease than the populations of the 27 states highlighted below.
Number of Alzeimer's Patients in 2020

Number of Alzheimer's Patients in 2030

  • By 2030, there will be 8.4 Million Americans with Alzheimer's Disease.
  • If Alzheimer's patients were a state in 2030, they would be the 14th most populous state, ranking just ahead of Minnesota
Number of Alzeimer's Patients in 2030

Number of Alzheimer's Patients in 2040

  • By 2040, there will be 11.6 Million Americans with Alzheimer's Disease.
  • If Alzheimer's patients were a state in 2040, they would be the 10th most populous state.
  • There will be more Americans with Alzheimer's disease than the projected populations of Michigan and Virginia.
Number of Alzeimer's Patients in 2040

What is driving the growth of Alzheimer's Disease?

  • Most of this growth will be driven by baby boomers and an aging population.
  • As the baby boomers reach old age, we expect many of them to develop Alzheimer’s Disease.
  • We also expect patients to live longer, in fact by 2050, nearly half of the projected 13.8 million Alzheimer’s Disease patients will be age 85 or older.
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1) Hebert, Liesi E., et al. "Alzheimer disease in the United States (2010–2050) estimated using the 2010 census." Neurology 80.19 (2013): 1778-1783.